Air conditioners now classed as urgent repairs
Landlords have 24 hours to action any required repairs.
Under the new Residential Tenancies legislation introduced in 2021, air conditioner breakdowns have now been classed as urgent repairs. Although it is not compulsory to have an air conditioner at a property, if you do provide one, and it is not working, you have 24 hours to action any required repairs.
With this new legislation, we recommend pro-active rather than re-active servicing as it can be difficult getting a contractor out to a property with only 24 hours notice. Schedule regular checks and services in advance, before problems present themselves.
Air conditioning has become almost a must have utility for renters and although it is another item for you to maintain, you will find that your property will be more attractive to potential renters and will result in a shorter vacancy time for your property.
For advice on servicing or installing an air conditioner at your property, please reach out to your property manager.