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News Barry Plant Bendigo helps spread an anti-violence message

Barry Plant Bendigo helps spread an anti-violence message

14 June 2022
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Goldfields office uses football and netball to highlight important work.

The Barry Plant Group is a partner with the Pat Cronin Foundation (PCF), an organisation that works to educate young people about the potentially drastic consequences of violence and, in particular, the deadly “coward punch.”

As part of this partnership, Barry Plant offices liaise with local community schools and sporting groups to provide the opportunity for young people to hear the tragic Pat Cronin story and learn a valuable life lesson.

But Barry Plant Bendigo's office has taken their involvement with PCF and their local community so much further. Late last year they became a partner with AFL Central Victoria, with the goal to support all local football and netball leagues in the Greater Bendigo Region. In discussions with AFL CV they mentioned their commitment to the Pat Cronin Foundation and from there, an idea was born to help provide more valuable awareness and greater education opportunities for the Foundation. Both the football and netball leagues have a dedicated Pat Cronin Foundation round. This provides the Foundation with publicity, awareness of their work and opportunities to provide life-changing lessons to young people.

The Pat Cronin Foundation round was played last weekend with Sandhurst and Eaglehawk teams competing.

In football, Eaglehawk won a very close game (82-97) with special awards given on behalf of the Foundation for the fairest players in the football and netball teams. Steve Layt, Partnership Manager for PCF, congratulated these players who epitomised the values the Foundation teaches.

Director of Barry Plant Bendigo, Yvonne Jackson, was on hand, with many of her team members, to watch the matches and help promote the Foundation.

“I like to think that every time a young person learns about Pat Cronin or participates in a session given by the Foundation, they will be more aware of the possible consequences of violence and work to avoid it in their lives.”

If you would like to have a Pat Cronin Foundation session at your local sporting group or school, contact your local Barry Plant office to see if it can be arranged.

14 June 2022
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