No end in sight for market demand
Anyone who thought that the arrival of November would see a slow decline in buyer activity in Melbourne’s property market had better think again.
Today we saw some great results achieved for many of our vendors and large numbers of buyer inspections at all of our Open Houses, particularly those on free-standing houses.
Of our six auctions scheduled for today, two were already sold prior to auction day with the vendors choosing to take good offers from committed buyers rather than wait until auction day. Another two were sold at auction, whilst a further two properties are still under negotiation as I sit down to write this Update.
Perhaps the highlight of the day was the auction at 18 Adrienne Close in Keilor Park (pictured above), which attracted at least five highly motivated bidders. This level of competition pushed the sale price to $490,000 which was a full $70,000 above the vendor’s reserve price. A great result for all concerned.
The important thing for people to realise is that people’s expectations of a quietening of the market ignore the fact that there are still so many buyers who are yet to secure a property. Based on what we are seeing right now, there is every reason to expect that as long as there are properties still available, (or even better still coming onto the market), then there will still be sales being negotiated.
So if you are still keen to sell, don’t think that you have missed the boat. The boat is still very much afloat and there are plenty of buyers treading water beside it, waiting for a seller to throw them a lifeline!
Have a great weekend.