Strong sales results are reason for confidence
This weekend is one that tends to mark a key point in the Melbourne property market each year. The kids are back at school, most people have returned to work, and home buyers are focusing on the property market to see what opportunities are likely to arise in the crucial period between now and the Labour Day long weekend.
With this in mind, I’m pleased to report that based on our team’s sales results during the past month, the outlook for the local property market in 2018 seems very positive indeed.
Whilst many people may have assumed that most home buyers would be on holidays, our team has been able to achieve some excellent sales results for quite a few very happy vendors. In fact, activity from the smart buyers over the past few weeks has seen SOLD signs going up on Barry Plant boards in Airport West, Avondale Heights, Essendon, Keilor Park and Niddrie, with multiple sales taking place in some of these areas.
Importantly, these sales results have taken place in price ranges that varied from the mid-$400,000’s to well above the $1 million-mark. So, it’s clear that activity levels are evenly spread across all areas and price points.
One factor that has been interesting this week is the transformation of expectations in the national property market. In recent weeks, a few property market commentators had been forecasting a cooling in the national property market, (particularly in cities like Sydney and Perth). However, it seems that the latest figures are saying something quite different.
Analysis of CoreLogic and Domain data by Macquarie Bank has suggested that nation-wide property prices have begun to rise again. An advisory note from Macquarie Bank to their investor clients was reported in The Australian Financial Review this week. The note was quoted as saying, “It is now looking very likely that housing prices at the national level are again rising modestly.”
If this is right, the smart buyers would be wise to get active now, rather than having to pay the price of further growth in values during the year. So, if you would like any assistance in making that happen, don’t hesitate to give one of our team a call this week.