Very solid numbers indeed
As you may have read in this morning’s Herald-Sun, the latest figures from RP Data have indicated that Melbourne’s median property price increased by close to 10% over the past 12 months, which is good news for home owners everywhere.
As we always advise our readers, any quarterly median price data needs to be viewed with a certain amount of scepticism given that it uses a much smaller sample of sale prices. However, the overall trend from the figures over the past financial year seem to be confirming what we are seeing “at the coal face”, with strong demand from buyers continuing to push property prices.
We saw another example of this taking place at our auction of a property at 54 Grandview Road in Niddrie (pictured), which attracted interest from buyers who saw more potential in the land and its wide frontage than they did on the older style home. The eventual sale price of $810,000 was a good result for all concerned.
Once again, despite the less-than-inviting weather, we saw good attendances at most of our Open Houses and strong signs that buyers are still highly motivated to buy as soon as possible.
We will take a closer look at the RP Data figures during the coming week to see what they have to tell us at an individual suburb level. In the meantime, I hope you have a safe and relaxing weekend and that you stay out of the rain!