Opportunity knocked, and buyers answered
If you heard a slight cheer echoing around the bayside suburbs during the week, chances are it was coming from the countless buyers and renters who, up until this weekend, have been unable to physically inspect any properties on the market due to the lockdown restrictions.
Fortunately, the State Government announced that as of midnight Friday, September 17th, we were allowed to conduct property inspections by private appointment, which has reopened the door for numerous Melbourne residents to find their next home. Congratulations to the 70% of Victorians who have received at least one virus jab…your commitment made this one possible.
If you haven’t caught up with the news, the latest slight easing in restrictions means that:
- You are now allowed to physically inspect a property for sale or rent, but only by appointment.
- The property must be unoccupied at the time you inspect it.
- In-person inspections are limited to one household at a time, and the agent must remain outside while the inspection is under way.
- You need to register your attendance by scanning a QR code prior to entering the property.
- You will also need to have photo ID on you.
- To help prevent the spread of the virus, everyone is required to wear a mask and to maintain appropriate distancing at all times.
- Auctions will continue to be conducted online, so if you wish to bid it is important to contact the agent to register prior to the auction.
Hopefully this summary will clear up any misunderstandings about the current rules.
One thing that is totally clear is that the Spring property market of 2021 is now well and truly up and running. The only catch is that we’ve already lost several weeks of the season due to the lockdown restrictions, so if you are planning on making a move the smartest thing you can do right now is get things rolling as soon as possible, particularly if you want to make the most of the pent-up demand that has been building up over the past few months.
Remember, if you have any questions about the best ways to maximise your result in the current market, don’t hesitate to give us a call at Barry Plant Frankston on 9781 3100 - we’re ready and able to assist immediately.
Barry Plant Real Estate
Frankston & Cranbourne