Time to let people see their future
In case you haven’t caught the news, the REIV has launched a campaign to encourage the State Government to reconsider the current ban on physical property inspections.
Leading with the headline, “Locked down and locked out”, the campaign is designed to remind those that make the rules that the ability to make decisions on where and how we live is one of the most important rights we have as Victorians. Whether you’re renting or buying a home or leasing a site for a small business, finding the living and working arrangements that suit you best is a basic necessity.
We have been able to achieve a number of outstanding sales and leasing results for our clients in the bayside suburbs without being able to physically inspect the property. However, the fact is that as an industry we have already proven over the past 18 months or so that we can conduct inspections in a ‘pandemic-safe manner’. It wasn’t that long ago that we were conducting individual inspections by appointment in 15-minute blocks. We allowed time in between for cleaning, there was no touching surfaces, and everyone wore masks and used sanitiser after registering with a QR code.
Yet despite our strong track record, the current rules are stopping countless Victorians from making informed decisions on where they want to live, leaving families in distress and many people in severe financial difficulty.
The Premier has indicated that we should be allowed to conduct limited inspections once the state reaches a 70 per cent first-dose vaccination rate, but only on unoccupied properties…but that won’t be enough for the thousands of people who will still be flying blind when making important decisions on property.
So, if you happen to see the “Locked down and locked out” ads in the papers or one of your social media channels, now you’ll know what it’s all about. In fact, if you feel inclined, I’d encourage you to send an email to your State MP to encourage them to look at this issue as a matter of urgency.
The perhaps we can all get take a step towards making our next move in the property market before the end of the year!
In the meantime, if you have any questions about the current market, whether you are buying, selling or leasing, don’t hesitate to give us a call at Barry Plant Frankston on 9781 3100 - we’ll be more than happy to assist.
Barry Plant Real Estate
Frankston & Cranbourne