Cup weekend makes new rules a sure bet
For many Melbourne residents, the arrival of Cup weekend was the much-anticipated moment that we could all get out and enjoy some long-awaited freedoms, particularly for those wanting to visit friends and family for the first time in months.
For others, however, this weekend saw the return of Open Houses to the real estate landscape, not to mention the ability for most buyers to attend onsite auctions rather than viewing them on a computer screen.
So, whilst the past few days has had an element of change about it, our team at Barry Plant Gladstone Park has certainly been busy assisting buyers and sellers to adjust to the changing rules.
One of this week’s results in particular provided a timely reminder of why we have been missing onsite auctions so much. Whilst online auctions have certainly been providing vendors with some outstanding sales in the past couple of months, and they will continue to play a role for those buyers who are unable to attend an onsite auction, there’s nothing quite like being face-to-face with people when assisting them to make decisions about their future home.
This was certainly the case when we auctioned an unusual three-bedroom brick home in Shirra Place, Attwood, (pictured). This quiet court, just a short walk from Westmeadows Primary School, provided an appealing setting for young families, whilst features like two bathrooms and extra garage accommodation added to the buyer interest.
In the end we had six bidders competing at the auction which resulted in an outstanding sale at $767,000, close to $100,000 above our happy vendor’s reserve price. As you can tell from the photo, the buyers are likely to remember the Cup Weekend of 2021 for quite some time to come.
The past week also saw a continuation of the strong results that we’ve been achieving through carefully planned off-market campaigns, with sales being inked at $2.32 million and $1.425 million.
Overall, it’s been a productive start to the long weekend, not to mention a big finish to the month as well. But that means that time is getting more pressing if you’d like to sell before the end of the year.
If you’d like to take advantage of the strong buyer demand that is currently driving the huge sales results, don’t leave your run too late. Why not give us a call this week at Barry Plant Gladstone Park to discuss your options? The number is 9330 1088.
Nick Pugliese - Sales Director
and Bill Karp - Director
Barry Plant Real Estate
Gladstone Park