Enjoy a relaxing long weekend
Looking back over the past two years, it’s clear that one of the biggest challenges for many of us in Melbourne was the restrictions on what we could do and where we could go. So the past few months have certainly seen a positive change with so many Melbourne residents being able to catch up with family and friends, whether interstate, overseas or just on the other side of town.
This is particularly relevant this week, as the Easter weekend is an ideal time to reconnect with those we value. Hopefully you are one of those Melbourne residents who has managed to get away this weekend and are taking the opportunity to catch up with lots of people that you haven’t seen for a while.
If, however, your plan is to relax at home rather than hitting the road, the good news is that our team has stayed local as well and are conducting Open Houses on a number of exciting properties for sale this Saturday. So if you’d like to know what we have available for inspection, and at what times, you can follow this link to OUR OPEN HOUSE PAGE.
The joys of assisting people to achieve their property dreams don’t stop just because the Easter Bunny get busy, as you can see in the photo where Tony, a very excited buyer, called in to pick up the keys to his new home in Tullamarine.
Who knows, in years to come you might be entertaining friends in your dream home and telling them the story of how you found it in between hot cross buns and chocolate eggs in the Easter of 2022!
Of course, if you are traveling this weekend to reconnect with friends and family, or maybe just one of the great places in this amazing country of ours, please travel carefully. Don’t forget to make use of the many “Driver Reviver” sites dotted around Victoria to stop and refresh during your drive. That way we can all come back after the weekend healthy and happy.
On behalf of the team at Barry Plant Gladstone Park, allow us to wish you and your family all the best for this long weekend, and remind you that if you have any questions regarding the property market in the City of Hume, whether you are buying, selling or leasing, you can give us a call during the week on 9330 1088.
Best wishes,
Nick Pugliese - Sales Director
and Bill Karp - Director
Barry Plant Real Estate
Gladstone Park