Rental Market Report: Landlords sending a strong message
The past month has been a particularly rewarding one for our dedicated Property Management team at Barry Plant Gladstone Park. As many landlords will know, the early part of the year is a busy time in the rental market.
Many tenants choose this time of year to make a move to new premises, so we have been busy ensuring that each landlord receives our full attention in sourcing new applications and checking the credentials of each prospective tenant.
Give the recent activity levels, it has been particularly pleasing to receive a particularly large number of very positive testimonials from happy landlords over the past month or so. We have also seen several landlords taking to online review sites like Rate My Agent to leave 5-star ratings of our service. Feedback like this is well received by every member of the team, as it confirms that our commitment to exceptional service is really making a difference for our clients. Of course, if you’d like to read what our clients have been saying, you can go straight to OUR TESTIMONIALS PAGE.
After more than 20 years’ experience in the rental market in this part of Melbourne, our Rental Director, Grace Pugliese has come to be recognised and a valued source of advice and assistance for landlords throughout the north-western corridor. Backed by a group of highly experienced Property Managers including a dedicated Leasing Consultant, the Barry Plant team is able to provide a level of service and expertise that no other agency in this area can offer…and it shows.
If you’d like to discover the difference that our team could make to your own experience as a landlord, or you have some questions regarding the current rental market in Melbourne, feel free to give our team a call at any time. Of course, Grace Pugliese is always happy to take your call on 03 9330 1088 or 0413 139 752.