Local schools add a musical note to Spring
As many local parents will know, this is the time of year when many schools are demonstrating their musical abilities at various annual concerts, and two well regarded local schools will be doing just that in the coming weeks.
One of these upcoming concerts is the Lowther Hall Music Concert which will be held on Tuesday September 10th. at the Melbourne Recital Centre in Southbank. This concert will showcase a diverse range of musical pieces performed by students from the School’s orchestras, jazz bands, concert bands, choirs and ensembles. With almost 100 years of musical tradition to its name, Lowther Hall Anglican Grammar School is known for its music program, so this promises to be an unforgettable evening for parents and friends.
The concert will commence at 7pm on September 10th in Elizabeth Murdoch Hall and is expected to conclude at around 9:30pm. If you’d like to attend this event, further information and tickets can be obtained via the Recital Centre website which you can go to by CLICKING HERE...
The second notable concert will be held one week later, on Tuesday 17th, when St Columba’s College in Essendon will be holding their Spring Music Concert for 2019. This event will feature performances from the many college music ensembles, as well as solos from VCE music Performance Students, and will be held at the Clocktower Centre in Moonee Ponds.If you’d like to attend this concert, tickets can be obtained by calling the school on 9243 9191 or via the Clocktower website by CLICKING HERE...