Barry Plant agents among top dealmakers
Trusted brand name and hard work among agents’ recipe for success.
Eight agents from the Barry Pant network are among the top-selling players in metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria.
Barry Plant Director Chari Emirzade emerged Number 1 regionally, chalking up 155 sales in the year to March 2023, according to figures.

Andrew Koulaouzos of Barry Plant Taylors Lakes was fourth among Melbourne’s top dealmakers, inking 122 sales.

Also closing more than 100 deals each were Tim Stickley of Barry Plant Noble Park/Keysborough/Dandenong and Barry Plant Manningham director Mark Di Giulio.

The other Barry Plant agents in the Melbourne Top 50 list included Scott George from Barry Plant Manningham, Caleb Venneri from Barry Plant Essendon and Keilor East and Nicola Parreira principal of Barry Plant Narre Warren.

Another strong performer in the regions was Barry Plant Highton principal Kieron Hunter.

Chari Emirzade, who was also the second-highest seller in Victoria, attributed his success to persistence, a strong work ethic and support of the Barry Plant network.
A migrant from Cyprus, his early career included selling vacuum cleaners and mobile phones, before his entry into real estate nine years ago.
He was told his initial goal of selling 200 properties was not possible but he has gone on to sell 1750 properties so far.
“In 2022, I sold 238 properties which is about one every working day,” Mr Emirzade said.
“I never ask clients if they want to sell but always keep in touch with them about the market, and when they are ready, they will come to us.”
A regular recipient of Top Lister and Top Seller awards, Mr Emirzade has averaged 150 sales a year for the past six years.
“Selling is easier when it becomes a habit and our approach is to ask how we can help our clients,” he added.
“Barry Plant is such a trusted brand to work with and head office offers plenty of support and training.”
A specialist in sales in Hillside and nearby suburbs in the city’s northwest, Andrew Koulaouzos said success took time and hard work.
“An agent needs to choose a suburb to focus on, nurture relationships with the people, know the streets and offer first-class service to clients,” he said.
“Be transparent and love the job and the people.”
Mr Koulaouzos, who has been in real estate for 13 years, noted that the Barry Plant brand was trusted by clients for its experience, longevity and network of well-trained agents.
“Being with such an agency has allowed me to service my clients and to provide well for my family,” he added.
He said agents faced challenges in the current market, and it was vital to know the trends and give “honest advice to clients about selling and buying property”.